Even once a flood is over, you need to exercise caution around your home and when traveling. Roadways are often damaged or covered by floodwaters, which creates very dangerous conditions such as roads suddenly collapsing. Another hazard to look out for is downed power lines. If there are any lines down in the area, never walk through standing water. If you have fled your home, don’t attempt to return until officials advise it safe to do so, you not only could put yourself and your family at risk, but you could interfere with rescue operations.

Once authorities advise you to return to your area, inspect the outside of your home for signs of damage before entering, most especially for structural damage such as cracks, which may make it unsafe to live in. Also, look out for wild animals that may have entered your home for safety during the flood. Additionally, avoid walking in standing water when possible as it may have been contaminated with chemicals or raw sewage during the disaster.

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